Work with us

The Upper Hutt Housing Trust has full time, part time and volunteer positions in order to provide the services we offer. From time to time the Trust has vacancies which will be advertised here.

VACANCY – “Ready to Rent” Volunteer Tenant Coach

The Upper Hutt Housing Trust has a small group of Volunteers whose role is to support and coach a client through the process of gaining access to their own rental accommodation. This programme is called Ready to Rent and includes the following,

  • Gain understanding of where the Client is at and where they would like to be
  • Formulate a tailored programme to suit the clients needs
  • Provide guidance in gaining access to support and partnering agencies
  • Assist them to take small steps toward their desired position
  • Assistance to keep appointments if required

Support in this role is provided by the Trusts Service Delivery Manager and Tenancy Managers as well as external providers.

If you think that this type of volunteer work would appeal to you and you have professional or life skills that would contribute to the role, then please send your CV to Judy Dixon,

Volunteers are considered staff and as such will undergo all employment and vetting processes.